Wednesday, February 22, 2012

6 brights, As you wish GVH

6 bright tights; Part 2 of GVH's styling request. 

Okay really, it is the request, but I wanted to show her some patterns too, 
hence yesterdays post... Anywhay...

GVH wanted some suggestions on bright tights to go with this uber cute ModCloth dress. With a dress as darling as this, it's hard to go wrong. All 6 colors are from American Apparel. Now normally my go to for tights would be We Love Colors, but in a pinch, when you don't have time to wait for the mail, American Apparel is a great resource. The tights are a good quality, the color range is pretty wide, and the price is reasonable (in relation to the quality). 

Which color is your favorite? 
I want them all of course, but seem to be leaning toward the softer look of the Burnt Sienna.