This edition of "Aaaadventuuuuures in dressinnnnng roooooooooms!!!" started at H&M. I wasn't going to try anything on. Nope, just there to pick up a shirt for Mr.Husband. Don't even need to go over to that side of the store... That is until I saw a three tiered dress near the register for only $19.99 (say what!?) So I figured, if I'm going to try that dress on, I might as well pick up some other stuff and meet the limit for garments allowed in the dressing room...
First up, NEON PINK! I have a rather unreasonable affinity for neon anything. I blame it on adolescence in the late 80's. I knew the dress would never fit right, I've got an average bust, tiny waist, and full hips, so anything straight is a no go. But, it's neon. So I tried it anyway. If you aren't a super hip-y gal, this dress would be super cute though, go try it out! Super!
Next up, the three tiered wonder and a dressing room secret. Okay, maybe it's not a secret, how about tip? Maybe it's something you all do already..... I digress... Bring a belt! I mean into the dressing room, not whip one out of your purse. Belts can work wonders on dresses, pants, skirts, and tops! As I feared this dress was just a little overwhelming, but with the belt, it's totally do-able.
More fun with and without belts...
This dress! Oooooooh this dress..... You should go buy this dress. I didn't check the fiber content, but whatever synthetic or organic wonderfulness this is, is well, wonderful. Super silky feeling, maybe it is silk, but it's from H&M and only $34.99 so probably not. Who Cares! It's great. Sad for me, it was too big in the waist, too small in the butt. Oh well.
Bananaaaaaaaaaaaaas! Caught my eye as I was walking out the door. Super cool fabric, kinda ugly dress. So I just give you the fabric. Ta da!
Even though I went to the mall just to return some stuff and pick up Mr.Husband's shirt, once I was in one dressing room, I couldn't just leave. It's a problem. So off to Macy's I went, where I found literally nothing to try on. What gives Macy's? They redeemed themselves with some cute socks to wear with heels though. Nice recovery.
Next up, Forever21! On the hanger I LOVED this top. On me, meh, it's okay. I really liked the color of these shorts, but they have a pleated front. I despise pleated front pants. But the color... still could not make me buy pleated front shorts.
Can you handle this!!! The girl who just a few months ago was terrified of shorts is wearing (GASP!) short shorts!!!!! I don't know what happened to me (and I'm so not gonna question it) but I feel really confident in my body right now. Maybe it's my new walking to work regiment? (yup, I just said I wasn't going to question it and followed it up with a question. just go with it katie!) I loved these shorts and I loved this top. Both came home with me. Watch out world! Short shorts!
This dress is really sweet. A little too big and too short simultaneously. Kinda made for a busty shorter lady who loves buttons and bows.

I was in a good mood, which you should be whenever you go shopping. Bad mood shopping usually results in either a) spending WAY too much money on stuff you don't even need. or b) being really sad that things don't fit you just right. Like I said I was in a good mood so this just made me laugh. It's another sheath style dress so I picked up a medium so it would fit my hips. This just cracked me up, can you see how far out the armpits are!? I mean really this medium would fit a DDD cup! It had at least 5 extra inches in the bust. Calling all large breasted, narrow hipped readers, this dress is for you! Seriously, if that's your body type, you should go get this dress. I took a picture of the back which is really pretty with three buttons at the collar and a nice long keyhole. I took three pictures to be exact, just in case one was blurry and to have some options. Sad for you though, it turns out I just took three pictures of the dressing room curtain. Probably because I was laughing. Sorry!
P.S. That is me trying not to laugh unsuccessfully. I don't normally look so goofy... well mostly. Okay, I often look that goofy.