Monday, August 16, 2010

Toronto, Buffalo, Hot Dogs, Oh MY!

Well, we're back! What a trip, it came and went in a flash. Buffalo was fun, saw lots of cute boutiques, all closed. Boo. I know it's a little much to expect independant shops to stay open until 10 so I can see them all. Toronto was a lot of ground to cover, by the time I made it to a more high end vintage shop they had just closed. Nuts. I did however pick up a couple of 60s shift dresses (one was only $1!!) at a consignment shop.
Found a cute shop with mostly Canadian designers called Cat's Cradle Boutique
Picked up this awesome denim wrap dress for half off!!

Another sale steal I found at the John Fluevog shop.
The LA Bianco in Bronze on sale for $199. WooHoo!

I only wish I had more time to explore both cities... Last thing of note, I love hot dogs. I seem to try one in just about every city I visit. This time around I had a dog from a vendor cart in Canada at Niagara Falls (on a hard seasame bun! what the what!?), and went to Ted's Hot Dogs in North Tonawanda, NY.
My advice, skip the street vendor and go straight to Ted's!